Strategy 2024 !

Dive into the heart of our vision, highlighting our commitment to attractiveness and loyalty. In a world of intense competition and rapidly changing customer expectations, it is essential for us to remain aligned with our core values while evolving strategically.

We are proud of our heritage as a company on a human scale, rooted in solid expertise. We will continue to value our proven methods and maintain our commitment to mastering standards requirements. It is this foundation that will enable us to thrive in an ever-changing environment. We invite you to watch our Corporate Strategy 2024 video and join us on this exciting journey into the future.

Forniamo SOLUZIONI in elettronica ed informatica tecnica industriale

Creata nel 1989, Médiane Système, grazie all’esperienza maturata nei servizi di consulenza ingegneristici ed ICT, affianca grandi realtà e PMI nello studio, nella progettazione e nello sviluppo dei loro prodotti.

Grazie ad una strategia orientata verso l’innovazione, li supportiamo anche nell’implementazione di nuove tecnologie e nella realizzazione di prototipi.

1 M€
di fatturato stimato
765 ore
di formazione
sedi in Europa

I nostri valori


Rispettare i propri IMPEGNI, significa mostrare coraggio, forza e determinazione. Médiane Système si impegna a portare a compimento i suoi progetti.


Attraverso la disponibilità e la capacità di comunicare, l’ASCOLTO è possibile. L’ascolto deve essere al centro delle preoccupazioni in quanto favorisce il dialogo e la risoluzione dei conflitti.


Il comportamento di ognuno deve basarsi sul RISPETTO di tutti e dell’ambiente. Ciò riguarda i nostri Clienti, i nostri Dipendenti e l’equilibrio tra vita privata e vita professionale.


Puntiamo a suscitare FIDUCIA all’interno dell’Azienda e presso i nostri clienti e partner attraverso la nostra integrità, la nostra correttezza e la nostra trasparenza.

Le nostre sedi

Via Leone XIII, 14
20145 Milano
+39 02 72 53 72 91
54 route de Sartrouville
Le Parc Saint-Laurent
78232 Le Pecq Cedex
+33 1 30 15 95 00
2 avenue des améthystes
44338 Nantes
Cedex 3
+33 2 72 24 19 52
117 Allée des Parcs
Bâtiment B1
69 800 Saint Priest
+33 4 81 07 65 40
1 Place du Verseau
38130 Echirolles
+33 4 38 24 08 60
Immeuble Calliopé
121 Rue Jean Bart
31670 Labège
+33 6 18 55 48 18
[data-gutter="2%"][data-nb="1"]:not(.ckadvancedlayout) [data-width="100"] #ID1687331477207 Avenue Louise 5231050 BruxellesBelgiquePlan+32 2 545 11 55 [data-gutter="2%"][data-nb="1"]:not(.ckadvancedlayout) [data-width="100"] #ID1687331477208 #ID1687331477208 svg * { stroke-width: 2; } #ID1687331477208 svg.svgicon-ionicon *, #ID1687331477208 svg.svgicon-fontawesome * { stroke-width: 32; } #ID1687331477208 svg { width: 24px; height: 24px; } #ID1687331477208 .titleck { margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 30px; text-align: left; line-height: 140%; font-size: 45px; } Brussels branch (subsidiary Médiane Benelux) .ckresponsiveactive[ckresponsiverange*="4"] #ID1687331477208 .ckresponsiveactive[ckresponsiverange*="4"] #ID1687331477208 svg * { stroke-width: 2; } .ckresponsiveactive[ckresponsiverange*="4"] #ID1687331477208 svg.svgicon-ionicon *, .ckresponsiveactive[ckresponsiverange*="4"] #ID1687331477208 svg.svgicon-fontawesome * { stroke-width: 32; } .ckresponsiveactive[ckresponsiverange*="4"] #ID1687331477208 svg { width: 24px; height: 24px; } .ckresponsiveactive[ckresponsiverange*="4"] #ID1687331477208 .titleck { font-size: 45px; } .ckresponsiveactive[ckresponsiverange*="4"] #ID1687331477208 .ckresponsiveactive[ckresponsiverange*="4"] #ID1687331477208 svg * { stroke-width: 2; } .ckresponsiveactive[ckresponsiverange*="4"] #ID1687331477208 svg.svgicon-ionicon *, .ckresponsiveactive[ckresponsiverange*="4"] #ID1687331477208 svg.svgicon-fontawesome * { stroke-width: 32; } .ckresponsiveactive[ckresponsiverange*="4"] #ID1687331477208 svg { width: 24px; height: 24px; } .ckresponsiveactive[ckresponsiverange*="4"] #ID1687331477208 .titleck { font-size: 45px; } .ckresponsiveactive[ckresponsiverange*="4"] #ID1687331477208 .ckresponsiveactive[ckresponsiverange*="4"] #ID1687331477208 svg * { stroke-width: 2; } .ckresponsiveactive[ckresponsiverange*="4"] #ID1687331477208 svg.svgicon-ionicon *, .ckresponsiveactive[ckresponsiverange*="4"] #ID1687331477208 svg.svgicon-fontawesome * { stroke-width: 32; } .ckresponsiveactive[ckresponsiverange*="4"] #ID1687331477208 svg { width: 24px; height: 24px; } .ckresponsiveactive[ckresponsiverange*="4"] #ID1687331477208 .titleck { font-size: 45px; } .ckresponsiveactive[ckresponsiverange*="4"] #ID1687331477208 .ckresponsiveactive[ckresponsiverange*="4"] #ID1687331477208 svg * { stroke-width: 2; } .ckresponsiveactive[ckresponsiverange*="4"] #ID1687331477208 svg.svgicon-ionicon *, .ckresponsiveactive[ckresponsiverange*="4"] #ID1687331477208 svg.svgicon-fontawesome * { stroke-width: 32; } .ckresponsiveactive[ckresponsiverange*="4"] #ID1687331477208 svg { width: 24px; height: 24px; } .ckresponsiveactive[ckresponsiverange*="4"] #ID1687331477208 .titleck { font-size: 45px; } [data-gutter="5%"][data-nb="2"]:not(.ckadvancedlayout) [data-width="50"] #block_ID1687331477209 { } #block_ID1687331477209 a.pbck-link-wrap { } #block_ID1687331477209 a.pbck-link-wrap:hover,#block_ID1687331477209 .ckfakehover:hover > a.pbck-link-wrap { } #block_ID1687331477209 > .inner { margin-top: 7px; margin-bottom: 20px; } #block_ID1687331477209 #ID1687331477209 .imageck img { } #ID1687331477209 #block_ID1687331477210 { } #block_ID1687331477210 a.pbck-link-wrap { } #block_ID1687331477210 a.pbck-link-wrap:hover,#block_ID1687331477210 .ckfakehover:hover > a.pbck-link-wrap { } #block_ID1687331477210 > .inner { border-left: #4886b9 5px solid; margin-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 30px; } #block_ID1687331477210 #ID1687331477210 > .inner { margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: left; } #ID1687331477210 Mediane Benelux, our Belgian subsidiary located in the heart of Brussels, dynamically juggles several French, English and Dutch-speaking environments on a daily basis. The objective of this human-sized team is none other than to export the recognised technical expertise of its parent company across borders. To achieve this, the Belgian teams place proximity, responsiveness, and availability at the heart of their agency in order to satisfy the needs of their employees and their clients. Adress : Avenue Louise 5231050 Bruxelles, BelgiqueTelephone : +32 2 613 16 89 #ID1687331477211 .buttonck:hover .pbckicon { } #ID1687331477211 .buttonck:hover .pbckicon svg * { stroke: #ffffff; } #ID1687331477211 .buttonck:hover .pbckicon svg.svgicon-ionicon *, #ID1687331477211 .buttonck:hover .pbckicon svg.svgicon-fontawesome * { } #ID1687331477211 ,#ID1687331477211 ID,#ID1687331477211 { } #ID1687331477211 > .inner { border: #4886b9 2px solid; -moz-border-radius: 0px; -o-border-radius: 0px; -webkit-border-radius: 0px; border-radius: 0px; -moz-border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 0px; -o-border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 0px; -webkit-border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 0px; border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 0px; color: #555555; margin-top: 20px; padding-top: 15px; padding-right: 20px; padding-bottom: 15px; padding-left: 20px; font-weight: 500; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 16px; } #ID1687331477211 #ID1687331477211 > .inner:hover { color: #fff; text-decoration: none; } #ID1687331477211:hover #ID1687331477211 svg * { stroke: #666666; 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Ils affidano a noi


Punto di riferimento tra le società di ingegneria e di consulenza, accompagniamo i nostri clienti dal 1989, sia grandi aziende che PMI.

Con noi al loro fianco in Francia e all’estero, gli permettiamo di studiare, di progettare o di sviluppare i loro prodotti.

Médiane Système, expertise a misura d’uomo.

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54 route de Sartrouville
78230 LE PECQ

+33 (0) 130159500
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