Training - Putting the avionics standard DO178B/C

Duration: 2 days
Date: On request
Type: Intra-company
Level: Quality Assurance Manager, Software Development Engineers...
Course material: French
Location: In our branches, on site or remotely
Our commitments
- Customised interventions (in-house)
- An offer improved according to our feedback and our technological watch of the market
- Speakers from engineering backgrounds with proven operational experience
- Practice-oriented training
- More than 20 years of experience in risk and operational safety training ...

This course provides an understanding of the fundamental principles of the software certification process according to the DO178B and C standard.
Through the learning of the basic principles of quality assurance, operational safety and the requirements linked to the DO178B/C, this training will focus on defining and organising the most suitable approaches to be implemented for its application, mastering project management as well as defining the necessary control means.
Participants / Prerequisites
Educational objectives of the course
- The basic principles of quality assurance
- The principles of the operational safety approach
- The general principles and plans of the DO178B/C
- Details of the DO178B/C requirements tables
- The case of reusable tools and components
- The link with other standards and reference documents in the field
General presentation
Presentation of the general principles of the DO178B/C
Typology of needs
System and software life cycles / Life cycle interactions
Operational safety approach
Project organisation according to levels DO178B
Plan of the DO178B/C
Role of plans in OD178B/C
Software Aspects Certification Plan (SACP)
Software Quality Assurance Plan (SQAP)
Software Development Plan (SDP)
Software Configuration Management Plan (SCMP)
Software verification plan (SVP)
Software Development Rules (SDR)
Table of requirements
Details of actions for the project manager
Declination of requirements (HLR, LLR, code)
Documents to be completed: details of actions for verification
Details of actions in relation to certification authorities
Case of reusable tools and components
Changes made by DO178B/C
Link to other standards and reference documents in the field
Conclusion and evaluation of the training
Course material is given to each trainee in pdf format