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- Blog
- Médiane Système achieves excellence!
- Artificial Intelligence and SIEM: A Revolution for the Security of Private 5G Networks
- Discover Technological Innovation: The 5G-mMTC platform, the answer to IoT connectivity challenges in dense and complex environments
- Maîtriser l'avenir avec l'intégration de l'IA.
- Médiane Système renouvelle son label pour l'année 2024-2025 !
- Mediane Italia, un an après.
- A sustained commitment: our CYBERSECURITY project in the transport sector
- Médiane Système shines in CSR with Ecovadis 2023 Gold Medal
- Le Quishing, c'est quoi ?
- 93,3% de nos clients ont répondu positivement à la question "Je recommanderais à un ami de devenir client de ce prestataire".
- On-board train equipment monitoring system
- Join us at Smart city - Visitor places are free!
- Objectives 2024-2026: "Attractiveness and loyalty".
- À la Conquête de l'Avenir Urbain : Une Interview Exclusive sur la Participation au Salon Smart City de Barcelone
- Smart City World Congress: let's meet again from 7 to 9 November in Barcelona!
- Mediane Italia: Never stop challenging
- Our thoughts on SPE (Single Pair Ethernet)
- A strong cyber team to help you to secure your products
- Progress on the first private 5G use cases.
- Médiane Happy at Work certified again!
- Rappel de bonnes pratiques en matière de cybersécurité
- Conseils pour diminuer sa consommation d'énergie
- IOT Solutions World Congress 2023
- Mediane Systeme gets a makeover
- Categories
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- Railway
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- Aerospace / Defense
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- automotive
- Industry / IoT
- Telecom
- Ethernet/IP stack integration
- Cybersecurity
- Software engineering
- Bus and networks
- Standards
- Training - Putting the avionics standard DO178B/C
- Training - Putting the Avionics Standard DO254
- Training - Implementation of the railway standard EN 50128 ed. 2
- Training - Implementation of the standard IEC 61508 software part
- Training - Putting the medical standard IEC 62304
- Training - Implementation of the ISO 25119 standard
- Training - Implementation of the automotive standard ISO 26262
- Quality
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- Implantations
- Oups
- Ask for Mediane Systeme Presentation download - Salon Smart City World Congress 2023
- Inscription au Workshop 5G-mMTC du 11 février 2025