Blog Médiane Système

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A strong cyber team to help you to secure your products


With the digitalization of industry, industrial control systems have undergone major changes. Initially based on closed communication protocols, these systems are now communicating and connected to the company's IS. This mode of operation makes systems vulnerable to attack, and increases cybersecurity risks, with potentially dramatic consequences...

This is why European regulators are recommending security requirements via European directives such as the SRI directive, those of ENISA and standard EN 62443.

Aware of these growing risks, Médiane Système has been investing in cybersecurity since 2017 with the aim of supporting manufacturers during the development of their products.

A major skill's enhancement plan was quickly undertaken on several standards, including EN 62443. Our engineers and consultants are hard at work supporting and securing developments throughout the product lifecycle, while guaranteeing vulnerability monitoring and associated updates.

More than ever, cybersecurity is a major challenge for the industry. With its cybersecurity team, Médiane Système offers a comprehensive approach to product security:

  • Training and awareness-raising on cyber risks.
  • Analysis of product cybersecurity risks: this involves identifying the elements to be protected and the feared threats, to adjust the security effort.
  • Secure by design" development: this involves carrying out the development and integration activities required to secure the product, in particular by including the constraints resulting from the risk analysis.
  • Vulnerability audit: this involves carrying out validation and penetration tests (pentesting) to verify the product's robustness (these tests are adjusted according to the product's criticality).
  • Implementation of security maintenance: this involves identifying the monitoring elements to be put in place for the product's lifetime, to maintain it at a level of security compatible with the requirements derived from the risk analysis.

Please don't hesitate to contact us about your cybersecurity topics

Our thoughts on SPE (Single Pair Ethernet)
Progress on the first private 5G use cases.

As a leading engineering and consulting company, we have been supporting our clients, both large accounts and SMEs, since 1989.
With a close presence in France and abroad, we enable them to study, design or develop their products.

Mediane  Systeme, expertise on a human scale.

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54 route de Sartrouville
78230 LE PECQ

+33 (0) 130159500