Blog Médiane Système

Bienvenue dans le blog de Médiane Système

À la Conquête de l'Avenir Urbain : Une Interview Exclusive sur la Participation au Salon Smart City de Barcelone

Bienvenue dans les coulisses de l'avenir urbain, où nos équipes se positionnent en première ligne de l'innovation au salon Smart City de Barcelone. Dans une discussion captivante, nous avons exploré les motivations, les ambitions et les aspirations qui ont guidé nos équipes vers cet événement d'envergure. À travers cette interview exclusive, plongeons ensemble dans le monde fascinant des idées novatrices et des initiatives révolutionnaires qui font de notre participation à ce salon une étape cruciale dans la construction de cités plus intelligentes et durables...

  2310 Hits

Smart City World Congress: let's meet again from 7 to 9 November in Barcelona!

We are delighted to inform you of our participation in the most crucial and impactful global event in the field of urban innovation:

  607 Hits

Mediane Italia: Never stop challenging

J.F. Kennedy once said, “We don't do things because they are easy, but because they are hard”. This sentence especially applies to Médiane Système and its aim to become an international company...

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Our thoughts on SPE (Single Pair Ethernet)

Single Pair Ethernet is a major innovation in computer networking. Unlike traditional Ethernet standards, which generally use four pairs of wires for data transmission, single-pair Ethernet uses just one pair of wires to achieve high data rates...

  1136 Hits

A strong cyber team to help you to secure your products

With the digitalization of industry, industrial control systems have undergone major changes. Initially based on closed communication protocols, these systems are now communicating and connected to the company's IS. This mode of operation makes systems vulnerable to attack, and increases cybersecurity risks, with potentially dramatic consequences...

  941 Hits

Progress on the first private 5G use cases.

Mediane Systeme and UVSQ (University of Versailles) are coordinating the 5G-mMTC project as part of the French government's industrial stimulus plan...

  948 Hits

Médiane Happy at Work certified again!

Nous sommes (très) fiers de vous annoncer notre accréditation HappyIndex®AtWork 2023 ! #MedianeSysteme#ChooseMyCompany#Label #2023
happy at
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Rappel de bonnes pratiques en matière de cybersécurité

Le 6 mai 2023 a marqué le dixième anniversaire de la Journée mondiale du #motdepasse, le moyen d'#authentification le moins fiable du marché... 🔐
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Conseils pour diminuer sa consommation d'énergie

Diminuer sa #consommation d'#énergie est plus que jamais à l'ordre du jour et nous pouvons/devons tous agir ⚡ Voici quelques conseils pour nous permettre à tous d'avoir un impact ⬇️

rse baisser sa consommation dénergie
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IOT Solutions World Congress 2023

Mediane Systeme was present from January 31 to February 2 at the IOT Solutions World Congress in Barcelona.

This annual event is an opportunity for the entire IOT ecosystem and industry to meet and present new technologies and developments in the sector.

  1143 Hits

As a leading engineering and consulting company, we have been supporting our clients, both large accounts and SMEs, since 1989.
With a close presence in France and abroad, we enable them to study, design or develop their products.

Mediane  Systeme, expertise on a human scale.

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Contact us

54 route de Sartrouville
78230 LE PECQ

+33 (0) 130159500