Blog Médiane Système
With digital transformation and the rise of Industry 4.0, private 5G networks are becoming the backbone of connected industrial environments. However, these networks, particularly the N6 interface that connects the heart of 5G to industrial applications, remain exposed to critical vulnerabilities.
To meet these challenges, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) solutions is opening innovative prospects for preventing, detecting, and reacting to cyber threats more effectively and accurately.
🗓️ When? Tuesday 11 February 2025
Dear Partners,
In an era of accelerating digital transformation, IoT connectivity has become a vital enabler for strategic operations. However, as the number of connected devices grows exponentially, dense and demanding environments pose crucial challenges in terms of bandwidth management, security and reliability of data transmissions. Whether you work in industry, transport, infrastructure or connected sports, one question arises:
How can you ensure the security, resilience and efficiency of your data in complex environments?
Médiane Système a toujours pour objectif d’être un apporteur de solutions.
Au fil des années, nous avons su répondre aux attentes de nos clients en formant nos équipes aux nouvelles technologies et aux nouveaux domaines tels que la cybersécurité...
Depuis sa création, notre entreprise accorde une importance primordiale à la satisfaction de ses clients et de ses collaborateurs. C'est pourquoi, depuis six ans maintenant, nous sollicitons la participation et l'engagement de nos équipes pour notre enquête annuelle « Happy at Work ». Cette année n'a pas fait exception !
Il y a un peu plus d’un an, dans le cadre de notre développement à l’international, nous avons créé notre filiale italienne : Mediane Italia. Depuis, les choses ont bien évolué et il est temps de faire le point...
For several years now we have been pursuing our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and submitting the results of our actions to the Ecovadis website. 2023 is no exception to the rule and we have once again won the Ecovadis 2023 Gold Medal, which is a significant recognition of our ethical and sustainable practices on a global scale.
ALSTOM's objective is to provide its customers with the most secure electronic solutions to ensure both the safety of passengers and the equipment that transports them, and the operational safety of the latter. ALSTOM has therefore entrusted MEDIANE SYSTEME with the development of a device enabling it to continuously assess, in real time, the rate of compromise of its on-board communication infrastructure.
We are delighted to announce that will be taking part in this year's Smart City World Congress, the must-attend urban technology event of the year, from 7 to 9 November 2023. Come and meet us at our exclusive stand in the...
Over the next 3 years, we have chosen to focus on strengthening our ability to attract and build lasting relationships within our ecosystem. "Attractiveness and Loyalty" will therefore be the slogan we use to support our vision for the future...
Bienvenue dans les coulisses de l'avenir urbain, où nos équipes se positionnent en première ligne de l'innovation au salon Smart City de Barcelone. Dans une discussion captivante, nous avons exploré les motivations, les ambitions et les aspirations qui ont guidé nos équipes vers cet événement d'envergure. À travers cette interview exclusive, plongeons ensemble dans le monde fascinant des idées novatrices et des initiatives révolutionnaires qui font de notre participation à ce salon une étape cruciale dans la construction de cités plus intelligentes et durables...
We are delighted to inform you of our participation in the most crucial and impactful global event in the field of urban innovation:
J.F. Kennedy once said, “We don't do things because they are easy, but because they are hard”. This sentence especially applies to Médiane Système and its aim to become an international company...
Single Pair Ethernet is a major innovation in computer networking. Unlike traditional Ethernet standards, which generally use four pairs of wires for data transmission, single-pair Ethernet uses just one pair of wires to achieve high data rates...
With the digitalization of industry, industrial control systems have undergone major changes. Initially based on closed communication protocols, these systems are now communicating and connected to the company's IS. This mode of operation makes systems vulnerable to attack, and increases cybersecurity risks, with potentially dramatic consequences...
Mediane Systeme and UVSQ (University of Versailles) are coordinating the 5G-mMTC project as part of the French government's industrial stimulus plan...

Mediane Systeme was present from January 31 to February 2 at the IOT Solutions World Congress in Barcelona.
This annual event is an opportunity for the entire IOT ecosystem and industry to meet and present new technologies and developments in the sector.
With our 33 years of experience, we provide solutions for your needs, from the sensor to the cloud.
Now recognised by the major players in the industry, we are continuing our development...En relation directe avec nos clients, les commerciaux ont un rôle majeur dans l'activité de Médiane Système. Nous avons interviewé pour vous l'un de nos commerciaux sur l'agence de Grenoble...
Depuis sa création, Médiane Système est une entreprise à taille humaine où le bien-être et la qualité de vie au travail de ses salariés sont essentiels...
Médiane Système vous aide à vous protéger...